Feedforward in Leadership Feedforward in Leadership




Abbott Star Academy for high achievers

Presentation techniques and effective negotiation skills for people with high potential (at Abbott).

The pharmaceutical company Abbott asked Muriel Schrikkema of Direction to help them think about setting up an Academy for high achievers among Doctors in training. This Abbott Star Academy reflects key elements of several courses under the motto of: “Stop Performing, Start Connecting”
The Abbott Star Academy for high achievers currently offers the following courses:

  • ‘Presenting yourself successfully’ (5 half-days)
  • ‘Effective negotiation skills’ (5 half-days)
  • Training course ‘Presenting yourself successfully’ (5 half-days)

Being able to present yourself successfully is not about a few tips and tricks that you will learn one day and put into practice the next. This training is about making connections between yourself and others. When you are able to do this, you will have a better match with your audience and you will be able to speak more freely to and in public.

Abbott Star Academy

Central focus

We also provide you with tips and tricks during this training, but you will be predominantly reflecting on yourself and on your own strengths during this program; what can these skills/techniques do for you?
Three ways of presenting form the basic theme. Will you meet the expectations of others? Are you trying to meet your own self-image? Or are you just being yourself?

Topics that are covered include:

  • A short, professional update.
  • Exercises and theory that provide insight and awareness; insight by theory and awareness by practicing and demonstrations.
  • Exercises in sub-groups to cover required depth.
  • Causes of stress and coping with anxiety.
  • A scenario conversation with a well-known and very experienced Presenter. We listen, exchange views and learn from the experiences of others.


The selected high achievers learn to connect to themselves, to their own sincerity and inspirations. This becomes the basis for inspiring others. As a result, they will be able to present in a relaxed and natural manner, and to present persuasively, to small and large groups and to the media.

Training: ‘Effective Negotiation Skills’ (5 half day sessions)

You never just enter into a negotiation unprepared. What do you want to achieve and at least as important: how will you achieve it? Many people find it difficult to determine what ‘gain’ they are negotiating for and how they can use their own strengths in this. When you clarify this for yourself you will enter into negotiations with more awareness and confidence.

Central focus

Negotiations are partly a form of rational bartering. Psychological influence, however, is a part factor that is more difficult to manage. What phases of negotiation are there; when is, or is something not a ‘negotiation’ and who takes the ‘lead’?
Topics that will be covered include:

  • Discussing the completed survey carried out prior to training.
  • Participants will work from individual learning goals. Theory and examples of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ negotiations will be covered.
  • A interview / conversation with an experienced ‘negotiator’
  • To link theory to practical experience of participants, we will be using role plays in combination with ‘tips and tricks of the trade’.

Outcome: Abbott Star Academy attendance certificate.

Participants will learn to connect ‘with themselves’ and with their negotiating partners and to conduct negotiations from this starting point. Because of this they will be able to conduct negotiations in a more conscious and more confident way and be flexible in dealing with different emotions during the negotiation process.

Please contact Muriel Schrikkema for more information!
